Saturday, August 21, 2010

Summer's end

Well, it's over: my summer in Wabaseemoong. I'm back in southern Ontario. Not quite back home yet, but I will be tomorrow night.

The last day was a good day. We decorated cookies with the kids, played games, and gave out goodie bags with records of achievement to each child. All of the kids enjoyed their cookies and treats. Some of the kids seemed sad.

We had a few youth hang around the house while we packed up the car. It felt strange to say good-bye. I wondered if I would ever come back.

Looking back over the summer, I am grateful for what I've seen, learned, experienced and helped out with. Too much to sum up in a blog, I'm hoping my bits and pieces of writing from the summer have given at least a glimpse of what was going on.

If you're reading, and if you were praying, thank you. Please continue to pray for the people of White Dog, for increased quality of life and education - not by White, Western standards, but by the standards intended for them - for all - when people were first breathed into creation.

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